Undoing Changes

Section 5: Undoing Changes

Undoing Commits with git revert

Reverting the Last Commit

To create a new commit that undoes the last commit:

git revert HEAD

Reverting a Specific Commit

To revert a specific commit (replace COMMIT_HASH):

git revert COMMIT_HASH

Resetting Commits with git reset

Soft Reset

To undo the last commit but keep changes staged:

git reset --soft HEAD^

Mixed Reset

To unstage changes as well:

git reset --mixed HEAD^

Hard Reset

To discard changes entirely:

git reset --hard HEAD^

Stashing Changes with git stash

Stashing Changes

To stash changes:

git stash

Applying Stashed Changes

To apply stashed changes:

git stash apply

Clearing Stashes

To clear stashes:

git stash clear

This section covers undoing changes in Git, both at the commit level using git revert and git reset, and at the working directory level using git stash. Understanding these commands is essential for managing mistakes and refining the commit history.